RMIT Bundoora - high voltage distribution

Project brief

As part of a major infrastructure project focused on improving campus wide sustainability, the University made significant upgrades to its electrical, HVAC, boilers and chiller systems for the Bundoora campus.

One component of these upgrades was the High Voltage Ring Main.

Completion of civil works & landing of kiosks

We provided the management and construction during the installation of 2 high voltage metering kiosks and the handover of ownership for the existing high voltage network from citipower to RMIT.

Our work included a civil package that consisted of levelling and slabbing 2 kiosk sites and installing high voltage earthing systems. We were also awarded an electrical package that consisted of 2 x 80m underground bores to link both the high voltage lines and communications between the sites.

Project highlights

The highlight of the project was jointing the new HV metering cables to the original 185mm 3Core HSL PILC feeder to the PIT 1 substation. The cable was manufactured in 1971 and laid at a depth of 4 meters. We had to excavate over 100 cubic meters of soil to safely access the cable.

Benefits to RMIT

  • Highly reliable and robust HV network
  • RMIT saves money paying a HV tariff rather than a LV tariff

Specialist equipment

  • Directional bore
  • 25T Franna
  • 3.6T Capstan winch
  • Fibre optic splicing and test equipment
  • 2T Excavator
  • 3T Excavator
  • 7T Excavator

"They were working fast, but certainly safety wasn't compromised at all. Cabled gave me confidence. They were smart, they had specific ideas about how they would get the job done. Their ideas made sense, and as I got working with Alain, while he was coming down here and doing a lot of preparation work, I realised I had made a good choice, choosing CABLED, and today has been clockwork"

- John Evans, Operations Manager,
Phillip Island Nature Parks